Here is a selection of murals I did, both individual and collabos, created in abandoned places, festivals, cultural venues, community projects, private spaces and other. Feel free to browse around, drop me a line for backstories or other inquiries.

comics page mural done at PeWall Festival, themed #biophilia, in Constanta, Romania. shot by Ionut Gheonea

pillar painting part of #taylorelectric project powered by Portland Street Art Alliance at the Nova Garage, done in Portland, US

"Freedom and energy" collective mural (27 artists from different countries) curated by Pavel Šťastný, done on the John Lennon Wall in Prague, Czech Republic
"urban prophets" - paintings done of in an old abandoned beer factory in Bucharest, Romania
"live, love, tech" mural done for PeWall Festival, Constanta, Romania
mural done for Artown Festival in Ploiesti, Romania
"We are one" - mural done in partnership with George (BCR) in Cluj, Romania
"Our cell" - mural done for ZIDART Festival in Bacau, Romania

Mural collab with Pisica Patrata, Smoking Cool Cat and Popescu for Nuaj alternative space in Bucharest, Romania

"Hidden in plain sight" - rooftop mural for the Romanian Street Artists NFT Collection, curated by Anca Poterașu Gallery, available on a dedicated platform.

"Alive TM" - mural piece done for "Memoriile Cetatii" project in Timisoara, Romania

"Bucharest One Heart One Story" project curated by Mihai Zgondoiu - tram spray painted works for Bucharest Day along Pisica Patrata and John Dot S.

"Digital Prayer" - Bucharest, Romania, personal studio
"Cernobil lady" - rooftop piece done for Giants of Pantelimon community art project, Bucharest. Photo credits go to Martha Cooper
Mural paintings of Chainsaw Europe studio, Bucharest, Romania
"Clean air now" mural done at Street Delivery Festival, 2020 edition, powered by Greenpeace Romania

mural pieces done for "Cinemascop" festival in Eforie Sud, Romania. Photo credits: Didi
"information overload" - mural piece supported by Global Street Art photos courtesy of Paul Zappa, Red Galley, London, UK

"Encounters" - murals done for Deadlime Studios in Bucharest, Romania

"Can you feel?" - piece done for SISAF (Sibiu International Street Art Festival), Sibiu, Romania

"Freedom" - Piece done at the maximum security penitentiary from Iasi, Romania, curated by Street Delivery Iasi
"Open up your eyes" - piece curated by GlobalStreetArt in the Walls Project, photo courtesy of Paul Zappa, London, UK.

"Duality" - Faur industrial park, Bucharest, Romania. Collaboration with Pisica Patrata (Romanian street artist)

"Brews Brothers Mural" - Commissioned work for a self-brewing beer space called Brews Brothers, in Bucharest, Romania (panoramic montage)

"Sixtine Obert" - Piece done for HaHaHa Production music studio in Bucharest, Romania

"The Amural Cerberus" - Brasov, Romania. Collaboration with Pisica Patrata and Irlo (Romanian street artists)